NYC-SIFT Advisor

The new version of the NYC-SIFT Advisor is here!

The advisor will walk you through a series of questions and suggest a list of programs that match your preferences. If the suggested list of programs is too restrictive, just go through the advisor again with less preferences.

If you see any problems, please let me know!

Thank you for creating this amazing resource! Does the NYC Sift Advisor factor in the new Manhattan residence preference for the 6 schools when showing the probability color bar?

It does, although there are some potential issues.

The system estimates cutoffs by using the previous cycle’s applicant numbers. For these 6 programs, the system now needs to take into account Manhattan applicant in addition to overall applicant numbers to create these cutoffs.

For the 2023-24 application process, this was the breakdown of Manhattan vs. Total applicants:

Eleanor Roosevelt High School = 1568 / 3749 (41.8%)
Millennium High School = 901 / 2290 (39.3%)
The Clinton School = 740 / 1151 (64%)
NYC Lab School = 653 / 1067 (61.2%)
The Museum School = 500 / 865 (57.8%)
Baruch College Campus High School = 1109 / 2753 (40%)

So the question becomes, what will the breakdown be this year? Will Manhattan residents be more likely to apply? If so, then how many more Manhattan applicants should I expect? A significant increase will affect the probability of offers for all boroughs. So for now, I made an assumption that there will be 10% more Manhattan applicants this year than last. The system currently uses this new breakdown when calculating the probability bar.

I won’t know until next year how accurate my assumption is. It’s quite possible that I’m way off. Hopefully after this year the Manhattan-to-other boroughs ratio will stabilize and I’ll be able to make a better prediction.

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