Open House search

There’s a new experimental feature that automatically looks for open house notices on school websites. Even though MySchools has a calendar, many open house listings do not show up there. In past years you would have to remember to check individual school websites regularly to see if they announced open houses.

This check runs every week and tries to figure out if something related to open houses was posted. It has a bit of trouble with websites that are image-heavy, but the current version has been able to find open-house or admission-related pages on 269 out of 448 schools for a total of 453 different web pages.

My hope is that this feature will make the process of finding open houses a bit easier for everyone. Any open houses on NYC-SIFT will show up under a school’s description page or the “Events” section under “Schools & Programs” (which already includes calendar data from MySchools): NYC-SIFT: Search for NYC High Schools